Social Security Numbers
You need a Social Security number to get a job, collect Social Security benefits and access
other government services. Your Social Security number enables Social Security
Administration to record your wages or self‐employed earnings.
2 ways to apply for a Social Security Number
When filing an application for an immigrant visa. When completing form DS‐260
(online immigrant visa application form) answer “yes” to the question “Do you want
the Social Security Administration to assign you an SSN card?” Also answer “yes” to
the “Consent to Disclosure.” If you do not receive your Social Security card within 3
weeks of your entry into the US, visit the nearest Social Security office. You can find
your nearest Social Security office using the following link
Apply for a New Social Security Number Card. If you did not receive a Social Security
card as part of the immigration process or you need to replace a Social Security card
you will need to apply for one at your nearest Social Security office.
Applying for a New Social Security Number Card
You must provide original documents or copies certified by the agency that issued them. All documents must be current and not expired. Photocopies or notarized copies are not accepted
Original Documents Required
Proof of immigration status:
Lawful Permanent Resident card (Green Card) with your unexpired foreign passport;
I‐766 (Employment Authorization Document, EAD, work permit); or
I‐94 (Arrival/Departure Record) or admission stamp in your unexpired foreign passport
J‐1 or J‐2 exchange visitors provide DS‐2016 (Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor)
F‐1 or M‐1 students provide I‐20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Non Immigrant Student)
Your Birth Certificate is considered proof of your age. However, if you do not have it or
cannot obtain it, the following documents may be considered as proof of age:
Your passport or a document issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS);
Religious Record established before the age of 5 showing your date of birth;
Final Adoption Decree (must show that birth date information was taken from the
original birth certificate)
Any person who is 12 or older and requesting an original Social Security Card MUST be
interviewed in person by Social Security. You will be asked for evidence to prove that you
have never held a Social Security Number. The following evidence may be used:
A current or previous passport if you have lived outside the US for an extended
School and/or employment records showing long‐term residence outside the US;
Any other records that may show long‐term residence outside the US
Proof of identity:
Lawful Permanent Resident card (Green Card);
I‐94 (Arrival/Departure Record) with your unexpired foreign passport or admission
stamp in your unexpired foreign passport;
I‐766 ((Employment Authorization Document, EAD, work permit) from DHS
One document may be used for two purposes. However, you must provide at least two
separate documents
Application Form
You must provide a properly completed application form with your documents. You can find
the form with instructions on how to complete using the following link
How to submit your Social Security Card application
Take your Social Security Card application form and documents to your local Social Security
Office. You can find your local Social Security Office using the following link